Nathan Isler
Islercrest Farms | Isler Genetics
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Nathan Isler grew up on his family’s Ohio farrow-to-finish hog operation. Isler attended The Ohio State University, where he received a degree in agribusiness and a degree in animal science. After college, Isler worked for Hord livestock where he managed a 2400 gilt multiplier sow unit. When the opportunity presented itself, he returned home to the family farm, where he has continued to grow the family tradition of raising pigs with his brothers in southern Marion County, Ohio. Along with his family’s commercial pork production operation, they also raise show pigs for customers around the world through their performance seedstock business, Isler Genetics.
Understanding the Whole Industry: Behind the Scenes at a Quality Production+Show Pig Farm
Raising show pigs is a great opportunity to build relationships and to learn about opportunities in the industry. Come learn how a leader within the swine industry started as an avid showman and has grown to love his production operation and continues to breed show pigs as well. You will not want to miss this session as you will get a behind the scenes look at the operation.