Heath Qualls

Vet Zone

Connect with Heath

About Heath

Based in Weatherford, TX, Heath is a dedicated veterinarian who, together with his wife, created VetZone. This innovative product was developed out of clinical necessity as a comprehensive ozonated formula designed to enhance your animal’s health at the cellular level.

Healthy Pigs for Purple Ribbons: Gut Health

Have you ever had a pig that doesn’t eat well or goes off feed? If you haven’t you are one of the few! Sometimes eating issues can turn into a long term nightmare. Pigs that are healthy and eat are the ones that win. Gut health can either make or break your project. The question isn’t, if you will encounter gut or skin health issues. The question is when will you and are you prepared to manage those issues. Come learn how to manage gut health, skin issues, and other pig health related issues, so that you can get the most out of your project.
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